Promote Your Site/Blog For FREE

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Do You have a blog or Site and want to make it famous?
Dont Know how to make visitors count Raise?

OneBp is the Place to promote Your Site/Blog .And We Do it Freely.

All You have to do is Post a Small Logo of our blog and link to Our Blog and send us a mail you did it. You can send it from the Contact form with the Subject "Site Promotion"and We Will Write A Review about Your Site/Blog and post it in "Cool Sites" Section of the Blog.

Copy The Following Code and Paste in your Site/Blog and send us a Mail Using Contact form with Subject " Site Promotion".

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Birthday Special

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Want to show Your Friend / Relatives / Family Members How Much you love them?

Want to make their Birthday more Special ?

Want to wish them in a unique way ?

Want the Whole World to Wish them?

Here is an Awesome Chance ! All you got to do is Mail us your Friends name if his Birthday comes in the Next Week along with the Date !

And We Will Post Their Name in the Homepage of our Blog so that Everyone Can wish Them.

It will be a Sweet Surprise to Your Friends !

Use Contact us Form and Use "Birthday" as Subject and Send us the details !
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About Us

"One Best Place" As the Name Suggests is the Ultimate Destination for Everyone. This Blog has posts about Tech Gadgets, Tech News, Movie Reviews, Music Reviews, Entertainment , Contests , Offers and Much More. Know What ? You Can also Promote your blog and site and that too completely FREE .All these can happen only in this Blog ! Just Subscribe and Stay Glued to the Ultimate Blog in the Web !


  1. Daniel Mangalraj
  2. Malcolm D'souza
  3. Krishna Kumar
  4. Srikapardhi
  5. Balaji
  6. Richard

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On May 24th
